Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Father's Daughter

This afternoon I considered that the God I pray to today is the same as the One I prayed to when I was a little girl.  Not earth-shaking, right?  I’m pretty sure you probably knew that.  You learned the concept of “I AM” a while ago.  But doesn’t something dawn afresh every once in a while and make you reconsider what you thought you knew?

From the time I was a very little girl I had a relationship with my Abba Father.  When I prayed, it was not “Dear God” or “Dear Lord”, but “Dear Heavenly Father.”  I can remember lying in my bed when I was very young – after I had been on my knees and said my prayers in the presence of my Mom – and talking, still talking to my Heavenly Father.  (It was not until I was a much more mature Christian that I had that very personal relationship with Jesus.)  And I can remember praying the same way as a teen in high school, in college and throughout my adult life.  

Today, I am trying to get my arms around all the changes that I went through and all the ones that He did not.  In “Crazy Love” Francis Chan discusses the attribute of God that is the one I find most comforting – He is unchanging, faithful, and eternal.  (Psalm 102:12, 27) “But you, O LORD, sit enthroned forever; your renown endures through all generations. But you remain the same, and your years will never end.”

I got sick a bit ago and slept a great deal.  I also got distracted by life.  I found that I had so many things I wanted to do that I needed to cut back on something.  So, as I often do, I did the bare minimum in my prayer life and time in the Word.  Within the last week I have changed my habits back to serious prayer and Bible study.

And, once again as I often do, I waited for the good and warm, cozy feelings from God.  I was doing all the right stuff.  Where was the pay-off?  And then last night, as I talked to Him right before drifting off to sleep, I reminded myself that He was the same and that I rely way too much on my feelings.  I would continue to do what I tell everyone else to do – trust that He is Who He is and that He is there, even when I can’t feel Him.

Today Steve was playing golf and asked if I would like to ride along.  I sometimes say no because I think I need to be doing more “serious stuff.”  Today something told me to get out and enjoy life a bit.  

Before we went to the course, we drove down by the lake to see if there were any gators.  Apparently we surprised one because there was a huge splash in front of the cart and then we saw him gliding across the lake.  Then Steve pointed and there stood a great blue heron on the dock, just beautiful.  I began to relax and enjoy not just the warmth of the afternoon but also the warmth of God’s unchanging presence.  

When the thought of His unchanging faithfulness occurred to me, we were on the third hole; and Steve whispered, “Look!”  He stopped the cart and we both held our breaths as an eagle soared just overhead followed by an osprey.  Then the eagle circled and landed yards in front of our cart.  Sometimes I miss the feelings; but sometimes God just takes my breath away.

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