Sunday, April 29, 2012

Forward Thinking

“Just do it” is a good one.  My favorite is from “Meet the Robinsons”, a very cool kids’ animated movie that is entertaining for grammas as well.  Mr. Robinson’s favorite phrase is “Keep moving forward.”  I’ve adopted it as a personal anti-procrastination motto.  It works great when I remember to use it…and when I then decide to listen to myself.

I’ve written blogs before about feeling the need to  write.  Aside from a couple of closets that need cleaning and some plastic boxes of old pictures and papers that need to be filed, sitting down to get thoughts out onto the screen is my hardest area of discipline.  (Let’s just agree we’re not considering food or exercise in this one, okay?)  There’s an old saying about writing, that the hardest thing about it is the “BIC” (butt in chair) time.  It does require a level of self-discipline, whether you have a lot or a little time.

At the end of most days, if you asked me what I got accomplished, aside from some laundry and a few chores, I usually wouldn’t have an answer.  I don’t spend time in front of the TV and my time on Facebook could more likely be counted in minutes rather than hours.  I usually spend some time in God’s Word and in having quiet time with Him.  But I get discouraged because I don’t seem to have anything “concrete” to show for my time.

But there is another side to this issue of putting off writing and I’ve said this before as well.  I believe it’s something God wants me to do.  I get frustrated because I don’t know where to start.  But mainly, I think I just lack the faith to begin.  And really, what’s the worst that can happen?  I might learn something?

I am just finishing up Mark in my personal study and a few verses hit me hard this afternoon.  It’s early Sunday morning after Jesus’ death and burial.  Mark 16:1-3 says, “When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, 'Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?'”

Are you wondering if I left off a verse or two?  My lesson was in verse 3 when it occurred to the women that Jesus’ tomb had a stone rolled in front of the entrance.  This stone would have been very large, round, flat and heavy.  It fit into a groove in front of the cave and was rolled down into place.  It would have taken several men to roll it back up.

The women realized this, they discussed it among themselves and still they “kept moving forward.”  God’s Word doesn’t address whether it was their level of faith that kept them going or whether they assumed someone (several men?) would be there to help them.  The point is they continued on to Jesus tomb.  And they were rewarded with being the first to know of His resurrection!  

So I’m going to make the writing a priority.  When you see me, keep me honest.  Go ahead and ask.  Or just remind me to keep moving forward.

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