Monday, October 5, 2009

Jesus, Bring the Rain

Mercy Me sings the lyrics; that wonderful song reflects the beauty of living a life that has Jesus at its center, regardless of the circumstances. It also echoes conventional wisdom that rain can represent the dark times in life, e.g. save for a rainy day.

Let me just say it up front and we’ll get it out of the way. My brain is wired a little differently. I prefer eccentric; some would say weird. Bring out the cool, gray day with a steady rain and I am gleeful, bundled up and rocking on the back porch. Add in some wind or lightening for effect and I’ll positively dance – especially if the lightening gets too close.

That’s where I am this morning. The rain is falling at a steady pace, quickening just enough to give the sound some interest, sort of like waves at the ocean. The day has a cool edge so that I’m wearing snuggly, comfortable clothes and still considering putting on another layer. The wind is blowing enough to add to the sound, but not enough to drive me inside for a coat.

God is blessing me this morning. He knows how I love this. Don’t get me wrong; this is not arrogance. I’m not foolish enough to think He’s doing it just for me, but I know that He is aware that I do love it so.

Rain is important to us in South Carolina because we have been, off and on during the last couple of years, in a drought situation. Not only do our plants need it, but the lake as well. The water level has been rising and falling dramatically and this rain will help.

And as I rocked and listened, Steve walked out and said, “This is good. The plants need it and you do too, right?” And I realized that, just as this rain is providing nourishment for every living green thing, it feeds me as well. It blesses me and makes me content and thankful. God speaks to me so many times through nature and weather; this day draws me closer to Him. Jesus, bring the rain!

Psalm 147:7, 8, 11
Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp. He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills…the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

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