Sunday, December 20, 2015


I have a bad habit of preaching to others with my own ears closed.  My advice may be solicited and sound because it’s based on God’s Word; but I don’t benefit.  Why?  Do I believe it doesn’t apply to me?  I don’t think that’s it.  I think I just don’t listen.  “Do what I say and not what I do.”
This week the lesson hit home once again.  How many times I have said, “Everything we have belongs to God.  Our money, our security, our relationships, our very breaths are gifts given by Him and He has the right to use them as He sees fit.”  And I stand by that.  Except…
I was driving to town.  (I’m pretty sure God settled us 8 miles from town so I could spend a lot of time in my car driving back and forth.  He does some of His best dealing with me in the car.)  I was recounting to God all the things I had done for Him lately, how much time I had spent and didn’t He understand I need my time right now because it’s Christmas!  
Bonk.  Once again, like a thunderbolt.  “Your time?  YOUR time?  How often have you said everything is mine and you bring nothing to the table?”  
This past May we began planning for a live drive-through Nativity.  If anything has ever demonstrated that principle of our own inadequacy, we were to about to live it.  We had an idea.  A vague “wouldn’t this be cool?” vision.  But as the weeks, then months pass, I saw God give resources, time, creativity, and cooperation to His people.  The Nativity could only have happened with His blessing.  
However, it did require a great deal of time.  In addition I had been sick for almost a week and then on the road to Virginia for Thanksgiving.  “My” time was stretched thin.  So as the Nativity ended and I found myself with a little less than 2 weeks until Christmas, I was doing a bit of complaining.
Over that next week I managed to get my house decorated and groceries bought for Christmas baking.  I had done a great of deal of Christmas shopping early and, well, can I just say I love Amazon Prime?  Because I finally figured out that I could finish up quickly without shipping a lot myself.
So on Saturday morning, I found myself standing in my living room crying as I tried to explain to my loving and very patient husband that God had answered my prayer, given me what I asked for, and forced me to listen to my own advice.  I found myself with my decorations finished, my house clean, and all presents bought, wrapped, and shipped.  I found myself FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE with an entire week to do nothing but bake my favorite cookies, watch my favorite Christmas movies, and enjoy my sweet husband’s company.  In spite of the fact that I had used so much of God's time preparing for the Nativity, He had given me back more Christmas time than I have ever had.  You know what?  When our God promises, He means it!
“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight...Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed…But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Proverbs 3:6; 16:3; Matthew 6:33)

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