Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Fistful of Diamonds

I considered whether to turn on the air conditioner or just simply roll the windows down.  As I left the grocery store to pop into the cleaners, I marveled at the beauty of the day.  Second day of fall, brilliant blue sky, not a cloud to be seen.
It was just after noon when I finally pulled into my driveway.  Feeling muggy, I argued with myself – needing to put on some cool summer clothes, wanting to enjoy “feeling fallish” in my long pants.  I was tired and looking forward to lunch.  Summer was definitely holding on and not wanting to let go.

I opened my car door and that’s when I saw them.  I was so struck by their beauty that I climbed out of the car in slow motion, afraid the breeze from the movement might disturb them.  There on top of the grass, lay forty or fifty dazzling diamonds in a small circle of about eight inches.  As the sun continued to shine directly on them, I stood very still, not willing to interrupt the moment. 

You see, they had been left there for me by my loving Father.  Just to see the delight in my eyes and the surprise in my smile, my Lord scooped up a handful of diamonds and left them lying on top of the grass.  He positioned the sun just so in order that they would catch the light and dazzle my eyes. 

Oh sure, I could look for a more suitable explanation if I wanted to.  But it was too late in the morning for the dew.  And even a light feathery spider web on the top of the grass would have dried by the noon hour.  There was no other water in the area. 

Besides, I don’t want to know how He did it.  I just know that my Holy gift-giver, left jewels to make me smile.  Somehow, He managed a small circle of water droplets lying on top of the grass to catch the sun and bless my day. 

James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.


  1. Beautiful! Love how God kisses us with diamonds. Know how the sun sparkles on the lake - a multitude of diamonds and that is what I told my 4-year-old grand when he asked what that was on the water. The answer popped out "God's sun-diamonds" - he liked that answer and I think of that moment and that gift from God every time I see the sun-diamonds!

  2. P.S. after I posted this at the bottom of the page it said subscribe by email - not sure if all posts will come, or just follow-up comments to this one - we shall see. Love, Claudia
