If you visit my house during the months of frosty weather (my favorite) when plants have to be protected, you had best bring a machete and a pith helmet. Because, my friend, you are walking into a jungle. I bring all my house plants, palms and ferns into the warm – they’re like snow birds heading for Florida.
I nurse them through the winter sweeping up fronds and other sheddings and wait to usher them back into the warmth of spring. I try to keep just a very few in the house during the summer months so that it will seem homey.
So I finally gave in to her and let her join the others at the back of the garden under the oak.
Yesterday while I was having my quiet time with God, I happened to look up and there was a giant hand waving madly back and forth at me. I fell out laughing! And God and I had a moment. I thanked Him and we laughed together. And after a minute or so, the hand stopped waving. Today I looked for it and it wasn’t there. I was afraid the plant had blown over with last night’s wind; but I went out to look and there it stood, blended in with all the other plants.
Listen for His voice. But also keep your eyes open! God longs to reach out and touch you.