Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I Choose Joy (and Hope!)

I’m listening to my contemporary Christian station on Pandora this morning.  One of the songs reminded me of an ad for a Time Life series of contemporary Christian music.  Many of the crowd shots included masses of people with arms raised swaying back and forth.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’ve been in those crowds taken away by the moment of a really great band and really great praise.  And I do love to see arms raised in worship!  
But what bothers me is the media perception, or perhaps it’s just representation, of Christians. Because they always fall into one of two camps.  Either they shuffle around (or sometimes march aggressively) with a Bible in one hand, looking angry or unhappy.  Sometimes they’re in church singing slow, sad-sounding music.  These folks are usually in the older generation.  Or the younger are usually shown in that concert setting, arms raised, glassy-eyed, looking like they just drank the Kool-Aid.  Why is it that I have yet to find on regular tv or in “secular” movies someone who is Christian but is also intelligent, upbeat and funny?  Someone with hope and peace and the confidence measured with humility that comes from Jesus Christ?
Our Pastor has been giving us a series on “End Times Madness” and how we should react and live our lives as believers.  His point is that we tend to forget that Jesus Christ has already been crowned and reigns as King of Kings and Lord over ALL.  We look at the way the world is turning and operating and hunker down and wait for the worst.  We try to adapt our church programs, ministry and outreach to “fit in” with what will appeal to the current community environment. 
Why are we not living in outward allegiance to our true King?  Yes, the Word tells us we must submit to civil and government authority, such as does not ask us to act in an unbibilical manner.  But why can we not stand up, act with hope and joy and a sense of humor, for goodness sake!  Why can we not insinuate our own believers’ culture and Christian worldview?  And, definitely, let’s not keep perpetuating this myth about a dull heaven where we all sit around on clouds and feel like we’re supposed to be happier than we are!  It will be a New Earth where God will live with us!  And it will be amazing and the world needs to know this.  WE need to know this…because when we do, we will not be able to keep it to ourselves.  We will choose joy, and hope!